What are eyelash extensions and how are they applied?

Eyelash extensions are single synthetic lashes applied directly to your natural lash, and are set not to touch the lash line with a semi-permanent bonding adhesive. A single extension is applied to a single lash, leaving the eyelashes and eyelids to move freely. They are applied carefully, one by one using specially designed tweezers. The entire process normally takes 1-2 hours depending on how full your natural lashes are and depending on the client's desired look.

Is it necessary to make an appointment?

Yes, appointments are necessary. Weekday and Weekend appointments are available.

How long will my lash extensions last?

There are many factors that go into answering this question. It depends on each individual's natural lash shedding cycle, how you sleep, and if you follow the aftercare instructions properly. The extensions should ideally stay adhered to the natural eyelash for it's life cycle (60-90 days). Things such as rubbing your eyes, excess makeup usage and removal, sleep, hot yoga, and swimming can weaken the bond and make the extension shed prematurely if care is not taken when doing those activities. Because of these activities, it will be normal to see some extensions shedding with a natural eyelash attached to it and some extensions shedding on their own if their bond was weakened or old. It is common to shed between 2 and 5 lashes a day, per eye so that a new eyelash can grow in it's place. This is why it is so important to staying on track with your infill appointments. Too much time passing will result in too much loss which will result in bigger infill appointments. Please note that each eye is different and each natural eyelash is on it's OWN shedding cycle. They are not the same.

Why do I need infills if they last up to six weeks?

The eyelash extensions fall out with your natural lash cycle shedding – which is 6-8 weeks, so very gradually – just a few here and there as new baby lashes come through. After 2 or 3 weeks you will start seeing gaps where the eyelash extension has fallen out, and new ones are coming through – at this point it’s a good time to get infills, so your lashes always look nice and full.

How do I take care of my new eyelash extensions?

  • Avoid getting lashes wet for the first 24-48 hours

  • Avoid hot steam or sauna

  • Use Lash Foaming Cleanser to cleanse the lashes

  • Do not perm eyelashes or manually curl

  • Brush with a clean mascara wand daily


How does it feel?

All clients react and feel different towards hair removal. Our estheticians are extraordinarily sensitive to ensure your experience will be as comfortable as possible. Hair removal will never feel as good as a massage – but it will make a difference to find qualified and sensitive estheticians like us who use quality products.


What should I do or not do before waxing?

Be sure to arrive for your service clean and on time. Skin that is prone to break-outs or ingrown hairs will do best under sanitary circumstances. Also, it is not recommended to exercise or have a hot shower right before your service as this can increase the blood flow and make the wax areas more “sensitive.”

·         Hair must be at least 1/4 inch long to ensure that the wax adheres adequately, so do not shave.

·         Do not moisturize the area to be waxed that day.

·         Use a loofah or body brush on a regular basis before waxing and between appointments.

·         Do not get sunburn.

·         After your wax visit remember to EXFOLIATE, EXFOLIATE, EXFOLIATE!! Starting 2 to 3 days after being waxed…exfoliate at least 2 to 3 times per week in the shower. Exfoliation will help get rid of the dead skin cells and help “lift” the hairs growing out.

How long will it last?

Typically you will need to get waxed every 3 to 5 weeks…. Having said this it is also important to note that each individual’s hair growth varies so the time frame between waxing should be determined by your own hair growth.


How long does my hair have to be for a service?

There needs to be at least 1/4 inch of growth for the wax to grasp the hair and remove it. Hair longer than one inch can be undesirable for waxing and may require extra time. 1/4 inch of hair can be grown in anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks for clients. There is large variable of hair growth from one person to the next.

*Please arrive showered and trimmed to about 1/4 an inch of hair for a Brazilian or Bikini wax.

What is the difference between a bikini, partial brazilian & a full brazilian?

A bikini removes hair from the outside of panty line.

A partial brazilian is anything outside of a thong line. Within this definition, we also have clients who request the popular ‘landing strip.’

A full brazilian is everything off!

 Will it be painful?

This depends on each individual, what may seem painful for one may seem painless for the other. We need to remember that we are pulling hair from its roots, most likely it will cause some discomfort.


How does wax effect differenct skin types?

As dead skin cells are removed in this process the skin can feel quite smooth afterwards. The waxing action does cause the skin to sting and many find Tea Tree Oil soothing to the skin and to be helpful afterwards. Sometimes red bumps will occur after a treatment. If this occurs, it usually goes away in about 24 hours. After your skin becomes use to the waxing process this reactions becomes almost nonexistent.


Are there any possible side effects from waxing?

Although we cannot predict or guarantee who may react, most clients do not experience reactions beyond redness and minor irritation. Hair may break at the root during waxing, causing some hairs to grow out faster.

Please follow these guidelines to minimize irritation and possible breakouts:

·         Avoid the sun immediately after waxing and please wear sun screen; recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin) if exposed to the sun.

·         Avoid heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after waxing. Sweating can cause irritation.

·         Avoid saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools and other heated sources for at least 48 hours.

·         Excessive heat and chemicals can cause irritation.

·         Do not use exfoliating products (AHAs, scrubs, etc) and loofas for at least 24 hours after waxing. After that time frame, regular exfoliation may be helpful especially on leg, arm and bikini area to ease ingrowns.

·         Avoid tight clothing after waxing, especially in the waxed areas. Tight clothing may result in irritation and ingrown hairs.

·         Routine waxing helps the skin get accustomed to the procedure and may minimize irritation.


Who should take precautions from getting waxed?

VERY IMPORTANT: Some physicians do not recommend waxing for persons suffering from diabetes or who have varicose veins or poor circulation as they are more susceptible to infection. Waxing is never done on clients taking Accutane and is not recommended for clients taking Retin A, Renova, Differin or other types of skin thinning acne medications. Please read the label carefully and consult your dermatologist if you are taking any medication or using any topical cream that contains these medications. Individuals do react differently to these medications and sometimes waxing can be done if proper patch testing is completed.

Also, please advise your esthetician if you are allergic to any foods – because if you can’t eat it, you shouldn’t put the extracts on your skin. Please be completely honest with your Esthetician about all allergies and medications you are taking – it is for your protection.



Can I book a spray tan or tanning application after a wax appointment?

Unfortunately no. The after wax lotion will create a barrier between your skin and the tanning solution. Ideally you should leave the after wax lotion on, then come back in a day or two for tanning.



Can I get waxed if I'm pregnant?

Yes. Unless otherwise advised by your doctor it should not be a problem however we do recommend that if you are in the last trimester of your pregnancy you limit your waxing to certain areas.


Can I go to a tanning booth after my wax appointment?

Definitely not. You should avoid heat following a wax treatment and tanning beds/booths take heat to the extreme. Also, the chemicals in tanning lotions will inflame the skin after waxing. Leave 2 to 3 days between waxing and tanning.



A facial is a family of skin treatments for the face that includes steam, exfoliation, extractions, creams, lotions facial masks, peels, and massage. Used for general skin health.


A facial is designed to cleanse, exfoliate and nourish to skin to promote a clear, well hydrated skin.


Depending on your goals typically a facials is recommended every 4-6 weeks.


You will leave your service feeling hydrated and relaxed and your skin will look healthy and glowing. If your appointment is later in the day we typically prepare your skin for night and no cleansing is necessary before bed. If your service is completed early in the day protection products will be applied and cleansing before bed will be recommended. 


Yes. There are many factors involved in sensitive skin and sometimes a facial service can help determine through diagnosis what you can do at home to both offer relief for you current state as well as prevent your condition from worsening.  


Yes. Facials during pregnancy are especially important during pregnancy for many reasons. Your skin can be reflective of the hormonal changes occurring within your body and having regular services can help alleviate some of the symptoms( i.e. breakout, increased redness and sensitivity) when your usual products may be off-limits. Facials can also be a wonderful relaxation tool which can keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.

  • Any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out and send an email. Please allow 24-72 hours for a response. Thank you!